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To create a better quality of life there will be large amounts of the site which are completely pedestrianised. This will create a healthier environment as it reduces pollution due to fewer vehicles in the area. It will help boost vitality in the area through more security and encouragement of greener transport modes.
Land Use
The map on the left shows the areas designated for different land-uses and is indicative of building heights. From our research earlier on in the project, we found there is a high demand for housing, especially for young families. As we are a community-led group we wanted to provide commercial space for local businesses, whilst creating a lively atmosphere through retail and leisure facilities.
There will be approximately:
2,000-2,150 residential homes
115,000-120,000sqm of commercial space
61,000-62,000 sqm of retail space
Residential Commercial
Community Centre/ Job centre
Medical facilities
Access & Movement
The site is accessible through 4 roads connecting to the A1020. All vehicle movement is restricted to mainly the south of the site, through the residential areas. The site is adequately connected through public transport to the rest of London. As the site involves a sizeable amount of blue infrastructure there will be 2 bridges connecting the two sides of the site to ensure better access and movement. One bridge will be located at the waterfront connecting the public realm in front of millennium mills to the public realm of the other side including the plaza.
There is an existing primary school in the neighbouring village of Britannia, the site is covered by its catchment area. There will be a new community centre in millennium mills as well as other facilities such as job training ad Silo D will house a GP and dentist and other medical facilities.
Public & Private Space
As we are taking a community-led approach to design we wanted lots of space that is readily available for the public to use. This will create a site that is more welcoming to pedestrians, in turn, creating a friendly atmosphere.
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